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6 ways to make your workspace more productive

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To stay focused in our workspace, it is crucial to make the surroundings comfortable and better. Where we work is crucial, as it impacts our work and productivity.

If our workspace is not comfortable or toxic, it will make us uneasy, anxious, and our focus will waver. That is never good because it makes the employees lose motivation, and they don’t push themselves to work hard to get better results.

The office design and settings are imperative for a productive day at work, whether you work from an office or from home. Here are some ideas to make your office space more productive.

Let’s explore these ideas:

  1. Lightning

Lightning in your office is probably one of the important factors for better productivity at work. When your office has bad or low lighting, it affects you both physically and mentally. It can strain your eyes, make you tired, give you a headache, and irritate you.

Thus, it is crucial that your workspace is well-lit. For that use ample of LEDs and during the day, let the natural light come in. Create office design in a way that lets the sun rays come in easily. It will not only brighten the place, but it will also keep the employees’ mood light.

  1. Ergonomic furniture

This term means a piece of furniture whose sole purpose is to provide comfort to the employees. This, in turn, can increase their efficiency in the workspace. They are a bit more expensive than regular furniture, but they are worth it. They are great, especially for people who have a desk job and have to sit in front of a computer for the better part of their job.

For employees who have to sit for long hours, the chair must have:

  • Armrests
  • Adjustable height and back-handle
  • Back support (adjustable)
  1. The color in your workspace should serve a purpose

Color can have a lot of effect on a person’s mood, outlook, and persona. The effect is subtle, but it is there. Every color is associated with some emotion, some can resonate calmness while others can make you angry or uneasy.

But most designers don’t take this into consideration. They go with white paint which is quite boring.  The color of your office should justify your brand, field, and the reaction you want to form your employees, clients, and customers.

Useful Information : time tracker

You can easily mix and match the color, and add art pieces to the wall to make it more interesting.

Here are the emotions attached to the most used colors in offices:

  • Red: It makes the employee feel that time is running out fast. It is suitable for a field that requires its employees to be on high energy and physically alert.
  • Blue: It calms employees and helps them think. It is suitable for every industry who wishes to increase the productivity of its employees.

Additionally, you can check out here the best colors for office space.

  1. Have a snack corner

When you work long hour, you will obviously feel hungry or you may get the urge to snack and refresh yourself. It is quite hard to work empty stomach, and if you have nothing to eat, it can make you cranky and irritable. It is crucial that you have a snack corner or refreshment area for your employee. It will help them relax and eat, and they won’t run out of the office for a snack. Pack the area with multiple food options that are healthy so that employees can eat and catch a break.

  1. Hang posters with motivational and inspirational posts

It is important to keep the morale of the employees up at all times. The way to do this is to add a few inspirational and motivational posters all around the office. It will help give them a nudge and motivate them to continue working.

For creating great posters, use Canva poster maker. It is a free tool with numerous tools for designing a poster.

  1. Get rid of clutter

 When your office is a mess, and you see clutter all around your desk and workspace, it can make you anxious and stressed. To remove the mess, get rid of all unnecessary objects, place the item back from where you picked it and try to organize the clutter if the office doesn’t have a proper place.

I hope these ideas will help employees be more productive in a workplace. Tell me some more ideas in the comments below.


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